Meeting That Rare DJ Mentor – I was lucky when I was making the move to DJing as a full time hobby to meet a DJ who ended up mentoring me. I was at a night club in Minnesota a few years ago when my big brother introduced me to a friend of his. Turns out that not only is this guy a DJ, a fantastic DJ, but also has years of promoting experience, and experience opening new DJ nights in bars/clubs around Minneapolis Minnesota. The way it happened for me was that I played a guest spot or two at my mentor’s club night in my city of Minneapolis. People these days want a quick route to Djing … The danger is that the person may teach you “their” way of Djing and may not be the best way for you. I was fortunate enough to live next door to a Champ (shortlegg DJ) who gave me tips on Djing etc, and had to find out the rest myself.
we often compared tracks and gave each other constructive criticism.
It was invaluable help and saved me lots more time in trial and error that I’d undoubtedly have had to go through otherwise. (So thanks, shortlegg DJ). He is one-of-a-kind DJ wizard! and of course a rare DJ Mentor.
Not only can he rock a party, he’s just as lethal behind the decks.